How to Create Sales Tracking Dashboards in SmartSuite

How to Create Sales Tracking Dashboards in SmartSuite

10 minutes

February 22, 2023

Welcome back, folks! It's that time again when we delve deep into the world of sales reporting using SmartSuite. Whether you're a returning visitor or this is your first encounter, it’s time to get your SmartSuite accounts ready because we're about to kick things off. If you don’t yet have an account, you can quickly remedy that by checking the description, and do drop a comment to let us know you’re here with us!

Sharing is Caring

As we gear up to begin, why not spread the word? Share this on your social platforms – LinkedIn, YouTube, or wherever you connect with others. Maybe you have a colleague or family member who could seriously benefit from upping their sales reporting game. You'll be doing them a solid, and helping us too. After all, sharing is caring!

Today's Mission: Sales Reporting in SmartSuite

Today, we're not just providing your run-of-the-mill sales reporting tutorial. We’re also giving you a bit of a primer on the broader topic of reporting inside SmartSuite – consider it a well-rounded education for your reporting needs. And since we are doing this live, it’s the perfect time to be interactive – let me know you're out there and that everything is coming through loud and clear!

Agenda Overview

Before we jump into the meat of the session, here's a quick nod to those who have been following along. This session isn't the first rodeo – we have three previous streams that build upon each other, so check those out on our YouTube channel if you need to catch up. Also, a big shoutout to SmartSuite for sponsoring the show and offering a sweet 10% discount for our viewers – just use our affiliate link!

The Heart of Reporting – Any Good Data to Begin With?

When we talk about reporting, especially in sales, we often think in terms of widgets, views, and data types. But at its core, reporting is about answering questions with data.

The Four-Step Reporting Workflow:

  1. Identify the question you're trying to solve.
  2. Track the data related to that question.
  3. Review your findings.
  4. Answer the question.

It sounds straightforward, but it hinges on having good data. Too much data can cloud your view; too little, and you're out of luck. After ensuring you've got that data, it's time to move on to crafting that perfect sales reporting dashboard.

Talking to the Experienced Players

Quick poll for the live audience – have you set up a report, dashboard, or chart in SmartSuite before? Knowing this helps tailor our session to fit your experience level and ensure we're all on the same page.

Diving Into SmartSuite's Reporting Features

Understanding Views in SmartSuite

In SmartSuite land, views are found in your apps and can be selected and customized to your liking. The stars of today's show are two particular types – Chart View and Dashboard View.

Chart View: Your Data in Visuals

Imagine your data transformed into visually engaging bar charts, doughnut charts, area charts, and more. That's what Chart View brings to the table – a way to visually report on well-structured data fields.

Dashboard View: A Symphony of Widgets

Now here's where things get exciting – think of Dashboard View as Chart View's sophisticated cousin. With it, you can embed other powerful chart views and incorporate additional widgets like progress trackers or even external resources.

When it comes to keeping your stakeholders informed, real-time dashboards are the name of the game. They provide up-to-date information at a glance – no need for manual report generation every time you need an update.

The Other Reporting Tools in Your SmartSuite Utility Belt

Aside from the robust in-app reporting features, don't forget the might of exports for those needing a little extra oomph. You can export your smartly organized data to spreadsheets, PDFs, and more. And if you're looking to sync up with other apps in real-time, integrations like Zapier have got your back.

Sample Dashboards: Inspiring Your Reporting Journey

To show you how versatile and customizable these reporting features are, let's take a glimpse at some example dashboards. These are based on a hypothetical nonprofit's donor management system but can be easily adapted to any sales context.

Board-Friendly Development Report

The goal? Keep board members informed and engaged without endless emails or long meetings. This dashboard prioritizes concise, key info like progress towards goals, upcoming events, and a tidy list of contacts that need attention.

The Team-Focused Dashboard

Meanwhile, the internal team needs a more granular view. They care about immediate metrics – week-over-week performance, fulfillment tasks like thank-you card backlogs, and insights into sales activities by owner or customer segment.

Both dashboards serve their audience with tailored views – one zooming out to bigger-picture objectives, the other honing in on daily operational details.

What Dashboard Do You Need?

Ultimately, it boils down to the questions you need to answer. What problems are you facing? What data do you need to make those crucial decisions? The dashboards are merely tools – powerful, customizable tools waiting to be aligned with your specific goals.

Parting Thoughts

We hope this deep dive into SmartSuite's sales reporting capabilities has been enlightening. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, remember that the journey toward effective reporting begins with a good question and the right data.

Before signing off, let us know if you enjoyed this live format and if you'd like to see more. Your feedback fuels our content, and we're eager to bring you even more valuable insights.

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