Workflow Automations
Do practically anything with our workflow automation - set up recipes that let you eliminate time wasting and repetitive tasks and actions, so you can focus on the work that makes an impact.

Work Smarter With Workflow Automations

Save Time With
Stop using valuable time on routine actions. Create recipes to automate repetitive tasks based on triggers - like changing dates, sending notification emails, or updating statuses - and spend your time doing the really important work. Or napping. We won’t tell.

As Simple Or Complex
As You Need
Create custom rules in seconds (see the whole saving time section above) with our builder.
Trying to keep it simple? An automation could be as easy as triggering to send a single Slack message when a project is marked complete.
Prefer to get a bit spicier? Build out a complex multi-step workflow recipe with multiple triggers and actions that ensures that a critical process is streamlined and efficient...without having to meddle in tasks you dislike.

Automations Without
A Line Of Code
You’ll never have to call IT again. With an easy drag and drop interface, any user in SmartSuite can set up complex automations in a matter of minutes. Built for business users by business users, we understand the automations you need - we use them too!

Produce New
Records From Email
Receive and manage emails directly within SmartSuite. Link them to related work items, notify or assign team members, and always stay one step ahead in our follow-up. Never let an important email fall through the cracks again (looking at you, Jim.)
Stay In The
Stop constantly checking in on your team for status updates. With Dynamic Notifications, instantly trigger email send when due dates arrive or receive real-time updates when critical tasks are completed to ensure you’re always informed, not micromanaging.

Update Records
Automatically update values in your records when important (to you) actions happen. Escalate a support ticket to high priority if it’s been in the queue too long or automatically assign a reviewer when a task is complete to keep your workflows moving. Unlock your team’s productivity, get all the promotions, and live a repetitive free life.
Connect All
Your Tools
We know SmartSuite isn’t going to be your one and only 💔. Create automations outside of the SmartSuite boundaries with seamless integrations to other systems like email, file storage, messaging, and SMS platforms.

Native Integrations
Customize your workflows to fit your specific needs and processes with out native integrations. No code required.
How Customers Use Automations
See how Automations can work for just about anything - if you can imagine it, you can automate it.
Explore real-world applications of Automations and consider how they can go to work for you.
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Stay Tuned...
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Workflow Automations in SmartSuite?
Workflow Automations in SmartSuite enable you to automate repetitive tasks and actions through customizable recipes based on specific triggers. This feature saves valuable time, allowing you to concentrate on impactful work or enjoy a well-deserved break.
How can automations save time in my daily work?
Automations eliminate the need for manual intervention in routine tasks such as changing dates, sending notification emails, or updating statuses. By automating these actions, you free up time for more critical or creative endeavors.
How customizable are Workflow Automations in SmartSuite?
SmartSuite’s Workflow Automations can be as simple or complex as needed. From triggering a Slack message when a project is completed to creating multi-step workflow recipes for streamlined processes, the custom rule builder accommodates a wide range of automation needs without requiring coding skills.
Do I need technical skills to set up automations in SmartSuite?
No, SmartSuite’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for any user to set up complex automations quickly. Designed with business users in mind, it requires no coding knowledge, ensuring that anyone can enhance their workflows with automation.
Can Workflow Automations handle email management?
Yes, Workflow Automations include capabilities for receiving and managing emails within SmartSuite. You can link emails to related work items, assign tasks to team members, and ensure that no important communications are overlooked.
How do Workflow Automations keep me informed about project progress?
Dynamic Notifications within Workflow Automations can automatically send updates on due dates or notify you when critical tasks are completed. This keeps you informed without the need for constant check-ins, reducing the need for micromanagement.
Can Workflow Automations integrate with other tools I use?
SmartSuite’s Workflow Automations can connect with external systems like email, file storage, messaging, and SMS platforms, extending automation beyond SmartSuite itself. This integration capability ensures that SmartSuite can work harmoniously with other tools in your tech stack.
Which SmartSuite plan types have access to Workflow Automations?
Workflow Automations are available to all SmartSuite plan types, including Free, Team, Professional, Enterprise, and Signature. This ensures that all users can leverage automation to streamline their tasks and processes, regardless of their subscription level.
Automate the routine work
Automate repetitive tasks, so you can focus on the work that makes an impact.