Create and manage task dependencies
Create and manage task dependencies

Timeline View

View your projects and processes in a timeline format that is great for visualizing workstreams and schedules over a custom period of time.

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See your projects and processes clearly.
Create and manage task dependenciesCreate and manage task dependencies
Feature overview video

Visualize Your Upcoming Work And Projects

Use a date range to customize your Timeline View
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View Work By
Date Range

Choose the date range you want to display and color coordinate tasks. Use this view in order to identify dependencies, manage competing priorities and stay proactive on your deadlines. Simple drag and drop capabilities allow you to adjust dates on the go. 

Group items in Timeline View to separate projects
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Group Items Like A
Gantt Chart

Are you one of those Gantt fanatics? Visually group by any attribute to create a Gantt-like view. This is particularly useful in viewing data with shared attributes, such as project tasks in teams, marketing campaigns in social media channels, or product features in development sprints. 

Scheduling is a snap with Timeline View
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View All Your
Records And Tasks

One click opens the Record Listing panel, which displays all available data in your selected view. Use reporting toolbar controls such as Sort, Group, and Spotlight to locate records, then drag and drop items directly into the view. PMs love this for quickly scheduling tasks and ensuring nothing is missing a due date. 

Zoom your Timeline View to see project details
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Shift The Display To
Months, Weeks Or Days

Shift between Today, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months simply by clicking on the interactive heading to view any level of detail.

Drill into Timeline View items to see all the details
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One Click To
See The Details

One click on a Timeline item quickly opens the record to review the details, make adjustments, and then close to jump back to the timeline. No backend updates needed; it all happens in the Timeline view. 

Drag and drop records in Timeline View for each scheduling
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Change Dates
Without Changing Tabs

Drag and drop items to change a date directly in Timeline View. The Record Listing panel displays a full list of every item in an application - not just what has a date field assigned to it. Drag items from the listing to the timeline and the dates in each record will be updated automatically.

Drag and drop to adjust records in Timeline View
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Quickly Change
Start & End Dates

Adjust date ranges by grabbing the Start Date or End Date of a Timeline item to adjust in real-time, without having to open up any additional pages or jump into the task. 

Use spotlight to make Timeline events pop
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Color Code
Items With Spotlight

The Spotlight control is used to color code items displayed on the timeline so it's easy to find what you're looking for. Choose pretty much any search option to make your timeline light up like a Christmas tree. 

How Customers Use Timeline View

Explore real-world applications of Timeline View and plan how it can go to work for you.

Visualize marketing campaigns with Timeline View
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Report Toolbar Controls For Timeline View

Dive into the many ways you can analyze your work in timelines.

Choose a date field to display on a calendar

Date Selector

Select any Date-Type field to visualize records on calendars.

Create nested sorts in reports


Sort your data in the way it makes sense for you, whether that's alphabetical, by a numeric value, by date, or something cool completely unique to you.

Apply multiple filters to a report


Filter your data by any other field, returning just the items you're looking for.

Group records by owner and priority in a report

Swimlane Grouping

Use Swimlane Groupings to gather your data by the value of other fields, helping you organize and understand complex information in a wonderful Gantt Chart format.

Set rules to highlight data in a report


Give special visual attention to important information by creating rules that match and highlight conditions or values you specify.

Search for data in a report


If you're looking for a particular bit of text in your records, you can quickly use the find filter to narrow things down.

Expand a Timeline report to view in full screen

Full Screen Timeline

Maximize your SmartSuite real-estate by flipping to full screen mode for any view type.

Print and export all your reports

Print / Export Reports

Print in a couple clicks, or export to PDF, CSV, Excel or Google Sheets.

Drag records onto Timeline View to make scheduling easy

Timeline Record Listing

View a listing of all the records in an application. Click any tile to jump to individual records on the timeline.

Frequently Asked Questions

See your projects and processes clearly.

Visualize your work streams and schedules in a timeline format.

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