Create and manage task dependencies
Create and manage task dependencies

Field Types

With more than 40 different field types, we’re the most versatile of any platform. SmartSuite supports everything from text and numbers to sophisticated formulas and links to other records.

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Field Types
Create and manage task dependenciesCreate and manage task dependencies
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40+ Field Types For Every Type of Data

It's easy to create and modify any field
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Choose a Field,
Any Field

Add, modify, and customize any of the field types. Variety is the spice of life, so drill down to the info you need for your workflow!

Most of our competitors have 15 or fewer fields, so you’ll find SmartSuite a regular playground of data options! Let’s take a look at what we have to offer your team.

Capture common data
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We've Got
The Basics Covered

We’ve got you covered with all the commonly used field types - you’ll use these on pretty much everything you do.

Start by adding Basic Fields such as Text, Date, Number, Single and Multiple Select lists, Files and Images, and more. 

Each field comes with validation - for example, if you try to enter a date in the wrong format, we’ll call you out (nicely). Maintain quality data for quality decisions.

Boost team collaboration
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Fields Designed
For Collaboration

Work is better when we all work together. Encourage team collaboration by adding interactive field types such as Rating, Vote, Tag, and Social Networks fields. Just don’t blame us if you don’t win “Most Likely to Succeed.” 

Store all of your project management data easily
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Project Management

Keep your project managers happy with project management-specific field types, including Due Date, Status, Percent Complete, and Time Tracking. Manage your entire timetable of deliverables and ensure the team is always in the loop.

Advanced field types
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Not Your Average
Field Types

We’re moving beyond the basics with our Advanced Fields! We have fields for specific needs such as Formula, Signature, Auto Number, Sub Items, and more. Support ANY process you can think of and get more done using more specific fields. 

SmartDoc is a powerful embedded rich text editor
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The Future of
Collaborative Docs

Stop the back and forth between your documents, file management systems, project management software, and everything in between. Our SmartDocs give you everything you need to create rich, in-depth, badass next-gen docs directly in your records. It’s your Google Docs, Microsoft Word, WordPress editor, Evernote and more—all combined into the ultimate SmartDoc! Get in there, Hemingway...but maybe hold off on the bourbon until after hours.

Use the Assign To field when assigning tasks
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Assign Work
To Team Members

Assign one or multiple members to any task you create in SmartSuite. Every assigned item will appear in their “My Work” section to keep processes and projects moving forward. 

Link records together to show relationships
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Creating Connections
By Linking Solutions

Linked fields are the magic behind your workflows, creating connections between everything in the platform, so data can be shared without duplication. Relate contacts to accounts, features to products, logos to marketing materials, and on and on. Linked fields save you, so, so much time. 

Checklists make sure the details are managed
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Check Off The Details
With Checklists

Like a to-do list on steroids, checklist fields allow you to create collaborative tasks lists to knock out the little details on the path to an excellent broader scope of work. 

We’re not saying you have to completely get rid of that paper notebook you’ve been building out to-do lists in, but we do offer color coding as well.

Use Sub-Items to track task details and deliverables
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Sub Items: Building Blocks
To Powerful Projects

Build your projects however you would like! We know you’re going to love our field types, so we thought you’d like to build more records in your records. We offer full customization. Just select the fields to display, apply filters and sorts, link related records, and more. Great for prepping and checking off the sub items that have to be accomplished for a larger deliverable. 

No items found.
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Field Types to Power the Way You Work

Capture data in a way that best supports your projects and processes.

Display a text field type


Add a single line of text like a name or title.

Create a field with a long string of unformatted text

Text Area

Add a larger area of text, like a description for your designer.

Imbed a nex-gen SmartDoc document in a dashboard widget


Add a next-gen document with fully loaded formatting, collaboration, and more. Use it to experience it - it’s just freakin’ cool to use.

Create a values list field of priority values

Single Select

Add a list where only one choice can be selected.

Create a field of multiple select values

Multiple Select

Add a list where multiple choices can be selected.

Create a date field with multiple display formats


Add a date (formatting of your choice) with an option to include time.

Create a field to display a date rage

Date Range

Select a period by defining Start Date and End Date.

Create a time field that displays in multiple formats and locals


Add a specific time to your record. Translates universally to a user’s time zone.o your record.

Create a number field that displays a number


Add a number with optional formatting.

Create a field that displays a number in a slider format

Number Slider

Select a number within a range using a numeric slider.

Create a field that displays a percentage value


Add a number that is displayed as a percentage.

Create a field that displays a currency value


Add a number that is displayed with currency formatting.

Create a field that displays an email address


Add one or more valid email addresses.

Create a field that displays a phone number formatted by country


Add one or more formatted phone numbers.

Create a field that displays an address in multiple formats


Add an address that can be displayed on a map.

Create a field that displays a full name

Full Name

Capture a person's full name and title.

Create a field that displays a website link


Add one or more hyperlinks to any website.

Create a field that displays binary yes or no value

Yes / No

Add an image to represent a selected / non selected state.

Create a field that attaches a file to a record

Files and Images

Attach files and images that can be viewed and downloaded.

Create a field that captures a star rating value


Use a visual ranking to rate anything, from favorite movies (The Big Lebowski) to the efficiency of your department or team.

Create a field that captures user votes and displays a total


Vote with your teammates to pick the best idea, features for the next product or employee of the month.

Create a field that displays attributes as tag values


Add tags to categorize records for easy searching.

Create a field that displays social network links as icons

Social Network

Add link to one or more social networks.

Create a field that assigns a record to a user

Assigned To

Assign one or more members to a record.

Create a field that displays a due date for a record

Due Date

Specify the date and time something is due so everyone’s working off the same deadline—no matter their time zone.

Create a field that displays a duration value


Track a time duration in days, hours and minutes.

Create a field that displays a percent value as a progress bar

Percent Complete

Always know how close your or your team is to completing any task or process.

Create a status field that displays a unique status value


Track the overall status of things like tasks, activities, or projects. Experience the joy of marking something complete.

Create a field that displays list of checklist items to check off


Manage a list of things that need to get done. Assign items to members, include a due dates, and check them off as you complete them.

Create a field that captures time logged for a task

Time Tracking

Keep track of the time spent on specific tasks, along with who performed the work. Pull specific time tracking reports.

Create a field that counts the linked records in another application


Display a count of records linked to the current record.

Create a field that sums values from a field in related records


Summarize data from records linked to the current record.

Create a field that looks up values from a field in a related record


Display a field from a linked record.

Create a field that calculates up values from numeric value fields


Calculate a value based on other fields in the record.

Create a field that displays a number with a prefix or suffix

Auto Number

Add a tracking number that automatically increments.

Field with a system generated global unique identifier number

Record ID

Add a unique system generated ID to each record.

Create a field that captures a digital signature


Allow users to enter a signature to track acceptance.

Create a field that displays a color and hex code value

Color Picker

Allow the selection of a color palette in HEX, RGB or CMYK formats.

Create a field that displays an IP Address

IP Address

Store valid IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Create a field that lists related sub items with multiple attributes

Sub Items

The Subform Field lets you embed "child" records or tasks within a "parent" record.


Linked Record

Add a link to a record in another app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Over 40 field types to choose from!

We have a field for your every need.

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