Optimize Consulting Engagements | Estimate, Utilize Staff, and Boost Profits

Optimize Consulting Engagements | Estimate, Utilize Staff, and Boost Profits

10 minutes

December 12, 2022

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This showcase shares best practices on the ways consultants are using SmartSuite to estimate & manage projects as well as evaluate utilization of employees + maximize profits.

This Video's Chapters: 

0:00 - Intro to Showcase
- Engagement Management Goals
- Solution Overview
Creating an Example Project
- Creating an Estimate
- Starting the Actual Project Work
Staff Time Tracking
Measurement Charts and Views
- Staff Utilization
- Why SmartSuite for Client Engagements?

Video Details:

Engagement Management Goals

• Meeting project price point while maintaining profit margin

• Staff utilization and resource allocation

• Meeting budget hours

Solution Overview

• Six apps: CRM for clients, project management, estimates, time tracking, staff management, attachments

• Details of each app and its purpose

Creating an Example Project

• Creating a showcase project for a new client

• Setting the budget and moving to the estimating phase

Creating an Estimate

• Breaking down time allocation for each project phase and role

• Calculating estimated costs and adjusting to meet the budget

Starting the Actual Project Work

• Assigning team members to the project

• Changing the status to in progress and creating tasks for each phase

Staff Time Tracking

•Tracking time spent on tasks using the time tracking app

• Summarizing time spent by each role and comparing with estimates

Project Progress and Monitoring

• Analyzing time and cost breakdowns

• Monitoring utilization rates and making organizational decision

Start using SmartSuite Today
  • Manage Your Workflows on a Single Platform

  • Empower Team Collaboration

  • Trusted by 5,000+ Businesses Worldwide

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