Are you ready to revolutionize the way you handle calculations in your databases? SmartSuite, a game-changer in the no-code space, has unleashed some impressive functionality that's making waves—and I've got the scoop on how to wield these new features to turbocharge your data management. I'm Gareth, your guide from Gap Consulting, and if you're itching to learn about these cutting-edge tools, you've come to the right place!
Fresh Features Tailored for You
SmartSuite's latest release is a treasure trove of advanced functions—ones that I haven't laid eyes on in any relational database before. If exploring these new capabilities sounds intriguing, well, buckle up. But before we deep dive into these awesome tools, let me extend a hearty welcome to all newcomers! At Gap Consulting, our mission is crystal clear: we empower you to get your life organized and processes automated, no code required.
No Need to Code
For those new to the exciting world of no-code, I invite you to follow along with your own SmartSuite account. Why watch from the sidelines when you can dive right in? I'll share a link to the template I'm using, so you can replicate this adventure yourself.
Let's Jump In!
So, let's roll up our sleeves. I'm wielding an expense tracking template from SmartSuite—easy to locate in their handy template gallery. This neat structure boasts two crucial tables: Expense Reports and Projects, linked together to keep everything connected.
Adding Dates to Expense Reports
Before unleashing the functions, let's add dates to these expense reports, shall we? Plug in any dates; these will be crucial when we explore the new functions. Just fill out a few, and we're set to flip back to projects.

Linking Projects and Expenses
Focusing on our projects, we can see they're tied to various expenses. Thanks to SmartSuite’s new functions, pulling insights from these connections is now a breeze—no complex workarounds needed.
Most Recent Expenses Made Easy
Consider this: you want to find the latest submitted expense. Traditionally, it's a multi-step process—peruse dates, pinpoint the max, and jot down the corresponding amount. But imagine crafting a formula to do all this instantly. Let's try it out!
Writing the Formula
In the projects section, I’ll create a 'recent amount' formula. The 'related record sort' function is our hero here. It digs into a field within a related record, sorts the data, and spits out what we need, like the date or amount. You can set the sorting order, too—descending by default.
Breaking Down the Formula
To clarify: we've got three parts here. First, the linked relationship and target field. Second, the field we want to sort by, and lastly, whether we're counting up or down. Voila! Add this field, and the formula autonomously finds the most recent expenditure.
Visual Confirmation
If we peek at the Expense Reports and sort by date in descending order, we can visually confirm what our formula is doing under the hood—bringing amounts in line with the highest dates.
Upping the Ante
What happens with 'related records' plural? This variant is similar yet distinct, fetching multiple values that need aggregation or joining. For example, using an array join, we amalgamate the amounts into an array, sorted by date. Update the field, and you've got a neat listing in descending date order, aligned precisely with our expense report data.

Trimming to the Top
We might not want every returned result—perhaps only the freshest three. The 'top' function filters the list accordingly, as seen when we check the outcome for our biggest project and compare it against the Expense Reports.
Summing It Up
Consider summing the top three most recent expenses. Modify the formula, and the system crunches those numbers effortlessly. Want the oldest three instead? Switch to ascending date order, and you're golden.
The Power of Simplicity
There you have it—the wizardry of SmartSuite's new functions laid bare. They transform complicated processes into a few straightforward function calls, requiring no convoluted workarounds. It's thrilling stuff, and we've only scratched the surface here.
To experience the future of work management firsthand, start your free SmartSuite trial today!