Day 3: Exploring No-Code and Low-Code Use Cases

Day 3: Exploring No-Code and Low-Code Use Cases

13 minutes

July 27, 2023

Welcome back to Day 3 of our insightful journey into the world of No-Code and Low-Code (NCLC) technology. After unfolding the history and revealing the benefits of these ground-breaking platforms, we're now ready to delve into the practical side of things—specifically, how NCLC platforms are used in real-world business scenarios.

The versatility of NCLC platforms means that they can be applied across a broad spectrum of use cases, from simple tasks like content management to complex procedures like integrated business process automation. The beauty of NCLC tools lies in their flexibility—they can be molded to fit a wide variety of applications based on the unique needs of a business.

The term 'use case' typically refers to a specific situation in which a product could be used. In the context of NCLC, a use case might involve building a website, creating a customer portal, or even designing a full-fledged Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system— all without writing a single line of code.

Today, we'll explore six distinct use cases that illustrate the potential of NCLC platforms. We'll start with three simple applications, move onto a medium complexity scenario, and then dive into a few more complex use cases that demonstrate how multiple NCLC products can be integrated to streamline a business workflow.

As we journey through each use case, I hope to provide a clearer picture of how businesses of all sizes and from various industries can leverage NCLC tools to optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and drive innovation.

Use Case 1: Building a Landing Page, Portal, or Full Website

Consider the task of building a landing page, a portal, or even a complete website for your business. Historically, this would likely have required in-depth coding knowledge or the services of a skilled web developer, often leading to significant time and cost investment.

Today, however, the landscape has changed dramatically thanks to No-Code platforms. They have greatly simplified this process, opening up website and portal creation to anyone, regardless of their technical skill level.

Platforms such as Webflow, Easy Portal, Softr, and WeWeb offer intuitive, drag-and-drop interfaces that empower you to construct visually appealing and functional websites without writing a single line of code. You can select from a wide array of templates, customizing them to fit your brand's aesthetics and include the specific functionality you need, such as contact forms, booking systems, or e-commerce capabilities.

For instance, consider a small business owner aiming to establish a more robust online presence. Using a No-Code platform like WeWeb, they could craft a professional website with an online store, a blog, and a contact form for inquiries. Moreover, WeWeb's integrated SEO tools would aid in ensuring your site's high ranking in search engine results.

In contrast, if your goal is to build a straightforward internal portal for project management or team collaboration, Easy Portal or Softr would be ideal choices. You could design a custom portal where team members can observe project timelines, share files, post updates, and collaborate in real-time.

The simplicity and speed with which these platforms enable website and portal creation are genuinely transformative. They significantly reduce both development time and costs, while simultaneously allowing you to maintain and update your site or portal effortlessly. As such, they offer powerful tools for enhancing your business's online presence or internal collaboration without requiring extensive technical expertise or resources.

Use Case 2: Simple Data Collection (Customer Feedback Forms)

Understanding your customers' experience and gaining insights from their feedback is a vital aspect of improving your products or services. Whether you're seeking to collect responses for a survey, feedback on a recent product launch, or a simple contact form, No-Code tools can make this process effortless and highly efficient.

For this purpose, we have many powerful platforms available at our disposal, such as JotForm, Typeform, Fillout, as well as multi-feature business process automation platforms like SmartSuite and Airtable that include form-building capabilities.

Platforms like JotForm, Typeform, and Fillout specialize in creating interactive and engaging forms. With their intuitive, drag-and-drop interface, you can customize every aspect of your form, from the question type to the design and layout. These platforms also offer various integrations, allowing you to connect your form with other apps and automatically transfer data for analysis or further processing.

On the other hand, SmartSuite and Airtable, while offering form-building capabilities, provide an additional layer of functionality. As business process automation platforms, they not only allow you to create forms but also to automate actions based on the data collected. For instance, you can set up an automated workflow where a customer's feedback from a form triggers a follow-up email or a task assignment within your customer support team.

Take, for example, a retail business seeking to gather customer feedback on a new product. Using Typeform or JotForm, they can create an engaging and visually appealing feedback form and share it with their customers via email or social media.

Once the responses start coming in, they can be automatically transferred to Airtable  or SmartSuite where they can be analyzed and acted upon. This process helps in rapidly understanding customer sentiment and making necessary adjustments based on their feedback.

In this way, these No-Code platforms not only simplify data collection but also help businesses respond to their customers faster and more effectively, creating a continuous loop of improvement and customer satisfaction.

Use Case 3: Building a Custom Application for SMBs

For small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the creation of custom applications often presents substantial challenges. Limited resources, whether financial or in terms of technical expertise, can cause obstacles. Enter No-Code and Low-Code tools such as Bubble, Glide, Retool, and Noloco.

These platforms enable SMBs to design, build, and launch custom applications without extensive coding knowledge or a large development team, overcoming traditional barriers.

Imagine an SMB looking to enhance its customer relationship management processes. They wish to create a bespoke CRM application, integrating with existing systems, tailored to their specific needs, and user-friendly for their team. Historically, such an endeavor would have necessitated hiring a dedicated software development team and making a significant time and financial investment.

However, with a No-Code platform like Bubble, they can leverage a visual development environment to construct their unique CRM application. Bubble's intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows users to design their application's layout, define workflows, and create complex data structures. Plus, Bubble's wide range of plugins and API connectors facilitates seamless integration with pre-existing systems or other third-party services.

Alternatively, when more customization is needed, and a small amount of coding is permissible, a Low-Code platform like Retool comes into play. Retool allows businesses to construct internal tools by linking to nearly any database and API, thus enabling the creation of complex, data-driven applications.

Similar platforms such as Glide and Noloco place an emphasis on building web-based applications, including features like e-commerce and client portals or data dashboards.

By using these platforms, SMBs can rapidly prototype, iterate, and deploy their custom applications. This accelerates decision-making, boosts efficiency, and increases responsiveness to market changes.

As a result, SMBs are better equipped to address their unique business challenges, creating bespoke digital solutions at a fraction of the cost and time required by traditional development methods.

Use Case 4: Managing Multiple Types of Projects

For companies juggling multiple projects, especially those with varying project types, client engagement, and team involvement levels, managing all the moving parts can become a daunting task. The need for an all-encompassing project management tool that accommodates diverse requirements and makes project handling efficient is crucial. No-Code and Low-Code platforms such as, ClickUp, SmartSuite, and Asana can address this need.

Consider a company managing different projects ranging from marketing campaigns, software development, client engagements to internal initiatives. The ability to track tasks, manage resources, set and monitor timelines, share progress with clients, and collaborate effectively becomes essential.

With a platform like, they can create project boards to organize and visualize their project tasks, timelines, and dependencies. The platform's variety of templates caters to multiple project types, streamlining the setup process. Moreover, the robust collaboration features, such as file sharing, commenting, and progress tracking, foster improved team communication and project execution.

Similarly, ClickUp provides a comprehensive project management solution that supports task management, time tracking, goal setting, and collaboration, amongst other features. Its flexibility in organizing work - via lists, boards, boxes, or a Gantt view - accommodates varied project management styles. Moreover, the ability to share project status with clients ensures transparency and better client engagement.

On the other hand, SmartSuite aims to automate and simplify business processes, including project management. With features like form builders, workflow automation, and task management, SmartSuite enables teams to customize their project management approach based on the project's unique requirements. Furthermore, the ability to integrate with other applications ensures a seamless data flow across different tools used within the company.

Lastly, Asana excels in providing a clear visual overview of work, aiding in task management and planning. Whether it's a simple project or an elaborate workflow, Asana's customizable project views, templates, and advanced search and reporting capabilities make project tracking easy and efficient.

By leveraging these No-Code and Low-Code tools, the company can manage diverse projects more effectively, improve team collaboration, and enhance client engagement. This way, they can ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, and with desired outcomes, thereby driving greater business success.

Use Case 5: Business Process Automation across Departments

In an increasingly interconnected business world, the need for fluid workflows that transcend individual departments is vital. Whether it's Sales, HR, Marketing, Product, Operations, or Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), businesses often require solutions that can seamlessly integrate disparate processes. No-Code products like SmartSuite and Airtable, along with Low-Code solutions like ServiceNow, Mendix, OutSystems, BettyBlocks, and Appian, come into play here.

Consider an organization wanting to streamline its operations across multiple departments. Traditional methods, like separate tools for each department or manual data transfers between systems, can lead to data silos, inefficiencies, and errors. A unified approach with No-Code or Low-Code tools can significantly enhance the process.

For instance, SmartSuite, a No-Code platform, aims to simplify business process automation with a user-friendly interface and a rich set of functionalities. The platform offers various process templates that significantly reduce the deployment time of business workflows. Furthermore, it shines in connecting workflows across departments, breaking down data silos, and fostering a collaborative work environment.

Airtable, another No-Code tool, provides a flexible, spreadsheet-like interface for managing workflows. From project tracking to content calendars to product planning, Airtable can be customized to fit a myriad of business processes. Plus, its ability to integrate with other applications ensures seamless data flow, enhancing efficiency across the organization.

On the Low-Code side, ServiceNow offers a cloud-based platform that helps automate enterprise-wide services. With modules for IT service management, HR, customer service, and more, ServiceNow enables organizations to manage diverse workflows under one umbrella.

Similarly, Mendix, OutSystems, BettyBlocks, and Appian provide robust Low-Code platforms that empower businesses to build custom applications tailored to their specific process needs. These platforms excel in delivering powerful, integrated solutions, driving digital transformation and business process optimization.

By deploying these No-Code and Low-Code solutions, organizations can effectively automate business processes, reduce inefficiencies, enhance cross-department collaboration, and improve overall business performance. Thus, these tools offer a holistic approach to business process automation, fostering a seamless and productive work environment.

Use Case 6: Integrating Data Across Multiple Platforms

As businesses grow and expand, they often find themselves relying on a multitude of software platforms to manage different aspects of their operations. This can lead to isolated pockets of data, which can make it challenging to create comprehensive workflows or gain holistic insights into business operations. Enter integration tools like Zapier, Make, and Tray.

Let's consider an organization that utilizes Salesforce for customer data, HubSpot for marketing data, Intercom for customer success data, and SmartSuite for product, IT, and Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) data. The key to maximizing productivity and gaining a comprehensive view of the organization is to integrate these platforms into a unified workflow.

Zapier is a web-based service that allows users to integrate the web applications they use. The service automates the process of transferring data between platforms. For instance, you can create a 'Zap' (an automated workflow) that sends new Salesforce leads to your HubSpot CRM. This ensures that your sales and marketing teams are always in sync and can provide a seamless customer experience.

Make is another powerful tool that helps non-technical teams automate complex workflows. In our example, Make could be used to trigger customer success actions based on product usage data. For instance, if a customer's usage drops below a certain threshold in SmartSuite, Make could automatically create a task in Intercom for the customer success team to reach out to the customer.

Finally, Tray is a general automation platform that provides a visual workflow builder to integrate various software applications. Tray could be utilized to link all four platforms (Salesforce, HubSpot, Intercom, and SmartSuite), ensuring a smooth data flow between them. For instance, if a customer raises a product issue in Intercom, Tray could automate the process of creating a ticket in SmartSuite and updating the customer's record in Salesforce, keeping all stakeholders informed.

In this way, No-Code integration tools like Zapier, Make, and Tray can help businesses automate data flow across different platforms, enhance cross-functional collaboration, and streamline complex workflows, ultimately driving productivity and providing a more unified view of their operations.


In conclusion, No-Code and Low-Code (NCLC) technology have ushered in a transformative era of business operations and management. Across an array of use cases, from creating visually appealing websites to building custom applications, automating complex business processes, and integrating data across multiple platforms, NCLC tools offer unparalleled versatility and flexibility. They have democratized software development, making it accessible to non-technical users and businesses of all sizes.

By eliminating the traditional barriers to software creation and automation, such as the need for extensive coding knowledge and significant time and financial investment, NCLC platforms empower businesses to optimize their operations, increase efficiency, and drive innovation. Their potential is vast - extending beyond individual use cases to influencing the broader digital transformation narrative.

Whether you're a small business owner seeking to establish a robust online presence, a medium-sized enterprise aspiring to streamline its operations, or a large corporation aiming to automate and integrate processes across departments, NCLC tools offer tailored, efficient, and effective solutions.

Up next: An Overview of the No-Code / Low-Code Landscape

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