Digital Asset Management: How to Cover Your Assets Carefully!

Digital Asset Management: How to Cover Your Assets Carefully!

6 minutes

October 8, 2021

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DAM! No, we’re not cursing here. But the expletives often fly when you can’t find that logo you need, the disclaimer that belongs on an important communication, or the targeted list of influencers who need to get an important communication. And where the heck is that sell sheet you need to send to a key prospect?

DAM = Digital Asset Management

What is Digital Asset Management?

As big data gets bigger, companies amass more files and more types of files, such as:

  • PNGs and JPEGs for images
  • TSDs and TIFFs for design files
  • WAVs and BWFs for audio files
  • GIFs
  • PDFs for a wide range of files
  • Word Docs

Storing digital assets and making them accessible across team members may seem like a daunting task, but having the right digital asset platform and digital asset management functions ensures that you and your colleagues (and even independent contractors and customers) can find what they need, when they need it. 

4 Benefits of Digital Asset Management

The digital asset management industry is booming because most companies are facing the challenge of keeping all their assets accessible, secure, and up-to-date. In fact, the industry is growing at a rate of 18 percent and is expected to hit $8 million by 2026.

But what’s the business benefit to you?

  1. Time and resource efficiency: If people are spending even 30 minutes a month looking for assets, that’s six hours a year that could be applied to creating new programs and growing the business. Employees are ultimately happier when they have what they need to do their jobs, quickly and easily.
  2. Brand integrity and accuracy: You don’t want multiple versions of your logo floating around or sales reps using a dated video in their pitches. Having a central repository of visual assets ensures that your customers are seeing your brand’s best self.
  3. Security: We’re all concerned about data security these days. The right digital asset management system and digital asset management functions let you set permissions and security levels. So, when that disgruntled employee or independent contractor leaves, they can’t take your files with them.
  4. Collaboration: It is easier to collaborate when teams are working from the same digital assets. 

Efficiency, more time spent growing the business, brand image, security, and collaboration all contribute to increasing your bottom line! The investment you make in the right system will pay for itself almost instantly.

How to Get Started With a Digital Asset Management Platform

Like cleaning out a storage unit, closet, or junk drawer, the task of sifting through and organizing your assets may seem daunting. But if you work with the right partner, the process will go smoothly and you’ll wind up with a fully-integrated “library” that is accessible from your other communication systems.

The best digital asset management platform is:

  • Simple and fast to use and learn
  • Integrated with other collaboration systems your company uses
  • Flexible, so as types of assets change, you can easily store and access new media forms

So, the next time you utter the word “DAM!” make sure it’s the right one. 

Our next-generation system gives you “one-stop-shopping” for your team’s assets. Start a free trial today!

Recommended Templates (live interactive demo):

Marketing Assets

Brand Assets

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